Generate English (US) Text to Speech in seconds

With BlogAudio you can convert text to high quality English (US) speech. Listen our 11 English (US) voices below.

  • Sophia
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • William
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Ava
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • James
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Isabella
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Elijah
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Evelyn
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Noah
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Liam
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Charlotte
    US flagEnglish (US)
  • Emma
    US flagEnglish (US)

Trusted by 500+ creators and organizations

Only premium AI Voices

Hand-picked high quality Neural voices.

Works for every use case

Use generated audio for anything you want.

Built for speed

Convert text to audio in seconds.

How to generate Text to Speech in English (US)

  1. Create free BlogAudio account

    It takes just couple of minutes. Just use your email or sign in with other provider to start 7-days free trial.

  2. Select one of English (US) voices

    Choose the one you like. There are 11 voices with English (US) accent to choose from.

  3. Type or paste your text

    Create anything you want. You are limited only by your imagination.

  4. Click "Save & Convert" and listen to audio.

    In just a few seconds our Text to Speech system will convert your content to high quality English (US) speech.

  5. Download audio file or use embed player on your website.

    Use generated audio in your video, on your website or in any creative project you want.

BlogAudio Text to Speech interface

Other text to speech languages:

Get started with BlogAudio today.

BlogAudio let's you convert text to high quality audio. Articles, podcasts, voiceovers – all in one tool.